Felix A. Honegger, Partner

Felix A. Honegger is a seasoned and successful leader and consultant with a proven track record of transforming business opportunities into profitable outcomes. He holds an executive MBA and degrees in computer science, providing him with a unique combination of strategic and technical expertise. With a passion for exploring the latest technologies, particularly artificial intelligence, he has developed innovative business solutions that have driven growth and profit for SMEs and multinational corporations alike. His proven ability to develop people and their skills has empowered countless individuals to commercialize their knowledge and achieve their full potential.

A Swiss citizen with two nearly grown children, Felix enjoys exploring the great outdoors, from scaling mountains (hiking and biking) to navigating the seas (including scuba diving) and immersing himself in the vibrant cultures of different cities. He is a well-networked individual with a proven ability to implement business process improvements, define company direction, and achieve ambitious goals.

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