DSI InitiaTe

Why InitiaTe

Any digital venture starts with some diligent outlining of the case, a pragmatic seeding without boiling the ocean. This needs real-life experience from doing it before and at scale. There are plenty of investment firms in the digital environment. With InitiaTe, the DSI is establishing a new form of colaboration that works exclusively with partners who have proven their expertise in strategic and operational IT management. InitiaTe brings experts with real street credits from doing it before. 


Where we engage - our areas of expertise

Digital business models
Smart operations
Digital facilitators

What resources we have - the team

We are happy to discuss your digital venture with you, and to provide you with our proposal as well as with a suitable InitiaTe consultant team on request. Please contact us under info@digitalsupplyinstitute.com. Selected DSI leaders are available to guide the team and support.

See DSI leadership team